Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What Does Quaddafi, The Nation of Islam, and Violent Street Gangs have in Common?

Glenn Beck asked the question why won't Obama mention Qaddafi by name? Or why Obama is dragging his feet when it comes to Qaddafi. Simple, they have worked together for many years. Anyone remember Jeff Fort and the Black Stone Nation out of Chicago? They are a group of racist radicals who were convicted in 1986 for receiving money from Qaddafi to create terror here in the USA.

Here are some of the answers:

Weapons of Mass Insurrection

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Lies and Insanity of the Neo-Libs

Both Edwards and Hilary both stated that they would support the troops and would not cut off funding. That is exactly what they both did when they voted no on giving our military money for ammunition. Selfish liars are what they are!!

They would rather surrender, retreat, and bring the fight to America simply for political points. Hilary has no excuse!! How in the world can she say the Bush lied about WMD’s when her own husband attacked Iraq for the exact same reason. This was one of the reasons she herself gave when she voted for the war.

If this doesn’t show her lack of integrity, nothing will. That and her refusal to support the troops after she voted to put them there to begin with. Edwards and Gore are guilty of this as well. Obama has said that he was against the war, but since he is still a rookie senator, nobody really knows for sure where he stood. It is possible that as a muslim who has an early education in extreme muslims schools, that he was against the war, but what side is he on when it comes to the global picture? Is he going to be one of the crazies that wanted to go and “talk” with bin lauden after 9/11 and broker peace with those who attacked us??

I could never vote any of these people in office. I am not a gambler and will not put the safety of my son and the rest of America’s children at risk. They are all such wild cards, you never know what they truly believe or what they will actually do in office.

They are anti-Christian and pro muslim. They are pro aclu and pro UN. Both the aclu and un are corrupt. The one is suing the Government so that NAMBLA (north American man boy love assoc.) can rape more of our kids and the UN’s corruption are well known, I don’t have to belabor the point.

This is the group that is running Vermont and are letting child rapist off with probation or at the most 6 months for raping our children!!

This is the group that taught in a Boulder, Co High School in a required assembly that they should participate in illegal drug activities, homosexual behavior, and unprotected sex. Not only were they told that these things were ok and acceptable, but the children were “encouraged” to participate in such behavior.

Is this really the best the left has to offer? No, I do not believe so. They have got to have at least one level headed candidate that puts the lives of Americans over themselves, we just voted many more into office, there has to be one…………………
Traditional Democrats and Neo-Libs

There is a difference between the two. One is an extreme group of radicals who are wanting to turn our country into a socialist country, the neo-libs, and the other are traditional dems who are wanting the best for our country.

Traditional Democrats

These are the Democrats who have their own convictions and their own heads, the hold on to their traditional values and beliefs.

They are the ones who use a level headed approach and they take in consideration every aspect involved their decisions. These are the 86 who voted for giving the military what they need so that our men and women who are defending our country are not in further danger than they already are.

These are the ones who are reaching across the aisle in order to work together for the good of the entire country. They are willing to compromise and they fight for what is right, not what they are told to fight for.


They have rejected all of their traditional values. These are the ones who will do or say anything for political points.

This includes putting our fighting men and women in Iraq and then voting against funding them. Do they really care so little about the lives of our servicemen and women that they will have many more of them killed because they did not have the ammunition to protect themselves? Does their political career mean more to them than the thousands of lives that would have been lost because of their “my way or no way” attitude?

To Sum it Up

These are the definitions I will be using in my blog from now on. It is not my wish to offend the many moderate democrats while at the same time writing against the dangerous politics of the far left. Make no mistake, they are dangerous as I will show in future writings.
Extremes in Politics

I am speaking about the far right as well as the far left. I am proud to call myself a “Christian Conservative Republican” and I make no apologies for it. I can also understand why there are also many Christian Democrats.

“A house divided against itself can not stand”

President Lincoln also spoke these words during a speech concerning the civil war. They were as true then as they were when they were first spoken by Jesus Himself. They are still true today.

The bible teaches us that we can not serve God and the world and there are some black and white issues. The problem is that neither side of the aisle are completely correct. The fact is there is some good and some bad on both sides.

When the Republican were in power, they ignored the left on every issue and did their own thing. We can not complain now that they left is doing the same thing. BOTH sides were wrong!! We need to work together or nothing will be accomplished by anyone.

We as Americans can change things by putting true moderates in our Government. People who will make their decisions on the facts that they have and not just to make political points or because they are making their decisions because of pressure from the extremist side of the parties.

If both sides are going to dig in their feet wanting everything their way, then nothing will be accomplished. This is not why any of them were voted into office.

“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for everything”

Too many times I seen candidates say one thing and then a month later vote opposite of what they promised while they were running. Or they change their stance once they decided to run for office!!

This is the reason why I voted for Bush both times he ran .I found it impossible to vote for anyone who does not seem to have their own convictions. Their lack of convictions make them to much of a wild card to lead this country.

You never truly knew where they stood or what they were going to do in office. I would rather stick with the candidate that has enough integrity to follow through with his convictions than one who lacks any convictions at all. Agree with him or not, he at least has been honest with us on where he stands and what he believes to be the right thing to do. I respect him for that and we knew that there weren’t going to be any surprises.

The same can not be said about the candidates that he was running against or the Neo-Libs that are running today. These are not moderates they are financed by and controlled by extreme leftwing groups. Thing is, they are being defeated by the same media and groups that support them.

Have they learned nothing from the last presidential election? Or even the latest from France? Just because the media reports things from the extreme left, the majority of people are not for extremes from either side. For some reason people such as Hilary, Edwards, or Obama have not realized that as of yet. The majority of the new senators and congressman (and women) are moderates, not the extreme left as these candidate seem to think. They are just as tired as we are by the all or nothing attitude that has been prevailing and are still trying to prevail in our Government.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The First Amendment

Constitutional Amendment 1:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably assemble, and to petition of Government for a redress of grievances.

This is a two fold Amendment, it gives Americans the freedom to worship where and how we like. It says that the government shall NOT prohibit ‘the free exercise’, this means that every law that has been made restricting our rights is illegal and unconstitutional. It also gives us the freedom of speech. This means all speech, not only that which we agree with or not offended by.

Freedom of Religion

The idea that Separation of Church and State is NOT Constitutional, nor can it be found in our Constitution. This is a cute phrase that was found in an obscure letter that Jefferson wrote to his church. The Constitution was devised and written and agreed upon by a delegation before it was voted on by the people. The Constitution was NOT about a single persons views nor was a single person responsible for the wording of it. I have no doubt that the words “Separation of Church and State” was voted down. IT was a JOINT configuration.

Other than a single letter to his church, it can be found that he EVER spoke out against public displays of religion or the free exercise of religion. Never did he say the first Amendment was to be used to limit the “free exercise” to private homes and churches only. The idea that a single letter has more weight than the Constitution and that it goes over and above the actual Constitution is asinine and Unconstitutional in and of itself.

Our ancestors voted on the Constitution and made it into a law, they did not vote on Jefferson’s opinion.

Those who keep quoting the words from a letter and ignoring actual constitution are either ignorant of their history, which was the reason for the Amendment, too stupid to understand what that history has to do with the wording, or just do not care what our laws actually says and has chosen to spin it to say whatever they wish it to say. The truth be damned.’

Do we forget why many of our founders came into our country? Is there anyone anymore that remembers that it was because of religious prosecution that most came into America? Whether it was the Catholics that founded Maryland, the puritans that began the New England states, or the Quakers that founded Penn, it was so that they would be able to worship as they saw fit where and how they saw fit.

Now we have to worry about the same things, but from the inside and not out. This is sad and hopefully now that we have two new judges that believe that the Constitution is complete and means exactly what it says, we may be able to return to our freedoms that are outlined in the Constitution.

Freedom of Speech

The second part of the first Amendment is concerning the freedom of speech. Many today are trying to put limits on the freedom of speech. Even those who I listen to and agree with more than not on political issues. I keep hearing that there is a responsibility that goes along with the freedom of speech. In a small way I agree with this, but not to the degree that it was meant.

The freedom of speech clause does not cover lies, half-truths, or any combination thereof.

Sadly, the journalistic integrity of our news coverage is sadly lacking in today’s American society. I do believe that it is a journalist responsibility to simply inform, not to make political statements if they are to be taken seriously. CNN and MSNBC are paying for this with low ratings as people are getting smarter and they are declaring that they want the truth, not a political agenda. Even the NYTimes are losing readers because of their half truths and outright lies.

This is my opinion and as I have the right to say whatever I wish, so do the above so called news sources. This is the right of every American. This goes for Tokyo Rosie, Imus, Ann Coulter, Hannity, Jesse Jackson, or any other public figure just as it is mine and yours.

There isn’t an exception clause to the Amendment that says that our freedom of speech is only ours if we do not offend, stay PC, or speak the new liberal ease. It is a complete freedom, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

There is a hyprocy that has been invading our media and our society. Why is it that we have an open season on whites, republicans, and/or Christians. God help us if we happen to be more than one of these. Even black republicans are open fodder for harassment. Look at all the racial epitaphs that Condi Rice has had to deal with. Now if the same things were said about Obama or Sharpton, then there would have been a huge public outcry and we would have been bashed and called racist.

IF we as Christians say anything concerning; muslims, homosexuality, reverse racism, or any of the other so called taboos, then we are bashed and everything is done to discredit us, but if they same things are said by Sharpton or any other neo-liberal then it is ok.

When did it become ok for rappers to use words such as nigger, cracker, hoe, or many of the other offensive words and not OK for the general public. Other than the word cracker, which is always a racist term against whites, I do not see these words as racist or as having anything to do with color. If you look at the meaning of the words, color has nothing to do with it, only the perception of the words are racial. The word cracker is used to call ALL whites racist and black beaters.

But as I stated before, I disagree with the use of ALL of these words, but it is our freedom to speak and say what we wish. This gives them the right, but it also give me the same rights.

When did it become OK for only black leaders to call whomever they wish whatever they wish and get a pass for it, but not whites?? This is pure hyprocy and must be stopped. Sharpton has made racist remarks against whites, and Jews but puts himself up as if he has any rights to speak out against racism?? He goes after Imus like a tiger getting his first meal in 6 months, but is guilty of the exact same thing. Get real!!

We as a society are getting too sensitive. We do not have the Constitutional right to tell members of society what we can or can not say. That is not in-line with a democracy is. We are NOT a socialist country, we are freedoms are limited. The neo-libs are wanting exactly that. Many of us have been victims of those who try to damage and publically humiliate those of us who hold on to our principles and speak out against the wrongs and the hypocrisy of those who wish to take this vital freedom away from us.

I for one will stand up for our right to say whatever we wish as long as it is truthful, this includes the asinine comments that are made by ignoramuses such as the neo-libs at so called Christian sites as well as those who wish to cause damage to our great country.


If the ignoramuses ever get a reality check and realize the freedoms that the extreme Muslims wish to take away from us and that it is their intent to “take over the world”, starting with America and Israel (two of the countries with the most freedoms), they would be speaking a different tune. They do not realize that their behaviors will get them killed just as quick if not quicker than the Christians they hate.

I think that it is ironic that the same hippies that were protesting a lack of freedom of speech are the same ones in the White House that are now trying to take away the freedoms of everyone who does not agree politically with them. That is the biggest hypocrisy of all.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Martyrdom of John Edwards' Anti-Christian Bloggers
By Kristen Fyfe
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 15, 2007

Amanda Marcotte, one of two vitriol-spewing anti-Christian bloggers hired by the John Edwards presidential campaign, resigned on February 12, 2007.

Liberal media reported that Marcotte was “driven out” of her job by Catholic League President Bill Donohue. Last week, Donohue issued a press release detailing some of Marcotte’s anti-Christian bigotry. Fox commentator Bill O’Reilly also gave the story lots of airtime. Donohue also called for Edwards to fire the other anti-Christian blogger, Melissa McEwan, who infamously referred to President Bush’s “wing-nut Christofascist base” in a blog entry. (McEwan reportedly resigned on Feb. 13.)

Marcotte’s resignation made big news in the mainstream media on Feb. 12. Among other outlets, The Associated Press wrote a story, The New York Times carried it on its political blog, and The Washington Post dedicated a full column to it on page A-4. The common theme was political martyrdom.

Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz quotes Marcotte lambasting Donohue “and his cavalcade of right wing shills.” According to Marcotte, Donohue and his supporters, who “don’t respect that a mere woman like me could be hired for my skills, and pretended that John Edwards had to be held accountable for some of my personal, non-mainstream views on religious influence on politics” were to blame for her ouster. The Post repeats Marcotte’s claim that Donohue ran a “scorched earth campaign” against her, and gives her a platform to claim martyrdom: “It was creating a situation where I felt that every time I coughed, I was risking the Edwards campaign.”

All this within the first three paragraphs of the Post’s story. AP reports the martyrdom in paragraph two. The New York Times political blog makes martyrdom the lead for the story.

The Post glosses over Marcotte’s inflammatory comments, burying them in the seventh paragraph. Of course, neither the AP nor The New York Times stories mention them at all.

For those who can stomach it, here are some samples of what Marcotte wrote:

What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit? You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.
The Catholic church is not about to let something like compassion for girls get in the way of using the state as an instrument to force women to bear more tithing Catholics.
The Pope’s gotta tell women who give birth to stillborns that their babies are cast into Satan’s maw.
Protestant anti-choice a**holes are on the horizon.
None of these outlets reported Bill Donohue’s thoughtful arguments regarding Marcotte. The Post did quote a statement by Donohue in a press release last week: “John Edwards is a decent man who has had his campaign tarnished by two anti-Catholic vulgar trash-talking bigots.” This quote is buried in the 10th paragraph.

Why didn’t any of Donohue’s other statements make the cut? Press releases on The Catholic League’s website, where the Post presumably pulled the statement regarding Edwards, contain some pointed comparisons between Marcotte’s vitriol and that of other press-pronounced bigots:

“Had anyone on his [Edwards] staff used the ‘N-word,’ he or she would have been fired immediately. But his goal is to loot the pockets of the Soros/Hollywood gang, and they—like him—aren’t offended by anti-Catholicism. Indeed, they thrive on it.

“When Mel Gibson got drunk and made anti-Semitic remarks, he paid a price for doing so. When Michael Richards got angry and made racist remarks, he paid a price for doing so. When Isaiah Washington got ticked off and made anti-gay remarks, he paid a price for doing so.”

Each of the celebrity rants cited above received substantial coverage by the media. But there is a double standard for bigotry and hatred aimed at Christians. Reporting such comparisons would mean giving voice to the conservative viewpoint and balance to the story.

Had Marcotte substituted Mohammed, Allah or Islam where she bashes the Pope, God, or the Catholic Church, she would have been vilified in the mainstream media. But because the object of her attacks is Christianity, the liberal media don’t feel the need to report the full story.

Martyrdom of a leftist blogger on a sword wielded by “right wing shills” plays much better to the base.

Link to Article


Sunday, October 15, 2006


This entry may not be popular in my Conservative circles, but the truth is, this is how I feel about some of these "threats".

Iran and Iraq

OK, I believe that Iran and Iraq is a threat to us and to Israel. As a Christian I believe that we need to stand up for Israel. This threat is a threat and would be a threat regardless of what we do or don't do.

You know? Hindsight is 20/20. I mean the liberals are correct when they say that we armed them and it is our fault that they now have the bombs that they do. I also agree that we should NEVER have given them their weapons.

Knowing how they hate Israel we were wrong to arm any of them in order to have a go at eachother. It is none of our business if they wish to war against themselves. We should have stayed out of it.

The truth of the matter is unless they are a threat to us or Israel, it behooves us to just stay out of it. It doesn't make any logical sense to give any weapons to enemies of Israel or to any religous zealots who are going to use their faith to attack and murder innocents because of faith. This simply puts us in the firing zone.

But as I said hindsight is 20/20 and there is nothing we can do about it now. Because we made this bed and they hate us for it, we have a worse problem than we have to begin with.

That being said, it is too late to go back and changed things and the question is what do we do now??

Do we stay the course? Or cut and run?

Neither!!! We change the course and do what is needed to get this over with. We need to bring in more troops and end this war!! It is obvious that what we are doing now is not working and I agree that we can not just cut and run because that would put us in a dangerous position. We also have to get the Iraqi's involved more!! Let them help protect themselves. I mean if we didn't have our weapons in the Revolution, we never would have been able to win.

Besides....What is it with the US and our inability to protect boarders?? We aren't protecting our boarder at home and we are not protecting the Iraqi boarders!!!

Come on people!!! Get on the ball!!

N. Korea

Who cares????? I don't!! I know that this sounds bad, but the truth is it is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!! I mean, up until they use the weapons against anyone, it is none of our business and not our problem.

When did it become our responsiblity to police and protect other countries who are capable of protecting themselves? But then again, I never agreed with rebuilding Japan after WWII. Money that should have been used for our own people went to rebuilding a country who ATTACKED us. What kind pf presedent that that set?? Come and attack us and after we defeat you we will take money away from starving Americans to rebuild you?? This to me is asanine in my opinion.

If Japan, South Korea, or China do not wish to take care of their own backyard, then they will be the ones to pay for their own decisions.

China is more worried about refugees coming into their country than they are in protecting themselves. Besides, after they murdered all of those students in Tiananmen Square, I have no sympathy for them.

Until they become a threat to us or Israel, we should stay out of it!!

So while the left and the right want to go around in circles argueing "whose fault it is", I ask why should we be involved in the first place??


When we went to war against England for our freedom, we had help that is true. But the French did not get involved until after the war had already started and it was almost over. We took the initiative(SP) and even though we were outnumbered and outclassed, our freedom meant enough to us to put our lives on the line.

If Iraq, Iran, Japan, S Korea, China, or any other country are not willing to do this for themselves, then why should we do it for them?? If they aren't willing to put their lives on the line, then why should we put our men and women lives on the line for them.

I have no problem helping other countries when we are asked, but I do NOT believe that we should do so if they aren't willing to take the initiative themselves!!


Friday, October 13, 2006



New; recent: Neolithic.

New and different: neoimpressionism.
New and abnormal: neoplasm.
New World: Neotropical.
[Greek, from neos, new.]


This means that our values and traditions are new. Hogwash!! This coming from people who call themselves "progressives."

This is pure leftwing propaganda!! We still hold on to the same values, morals, traditions, and beliefs that we have always held. It is the left who have changed. It would be more accurate to say that they are Neo-Liberals and to call the Conservatives Traditionalist.

God was written into the Constitution, we as Conservatives still want God involved in our country, while neo-libs would rather force others to worship in their houses and churches only!!

The Constitutions actually says:

Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


There are those who wish it to mean:

In my opinion, the single most important part of the Constitution. Some of the first colonists of the nation for which the Constitution was written had been seeking to escape religious persecution. The constitutions of several of the states prohibited public support of religion. And above all, the many varying sects of Christianity in America required that to be fair to all, there could be preference to none. It would have been disgraceful for anyone to wish to leave the United States because of religious persecution. So they decided it best to keep the government out of religion. Now, this is not to say that the United States was not or is not a religious one. Religion plays a big role in the everyday life of Americans, then and now. But what they were striving for is tolerance... something I fear contemporary Americans are lacking



I agree with this "opinion" as far as tolerance of other religions and the right for others to worship as they see fit as long as it harms NO ONE!!

Now as far as keeping religion OUT of government.....

This is patently false. Lets not forget that God is in the Constitution as well as our Declaration of Independance, the Pledge of Allegience, and throughout the writings of our Founding Fathers.

Instead, it says that the Government should stay OUT of religion. That as Christians we have the right to express our faith ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE we wish.

prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Just as I believe in the Literal Interpetation of the Bible, I also believe in the Literal Interpetation of the Constitution. I says what it means and means what it says. To add to or to take away words in order for it to fit their interpetation of what it "should" mean or say, is an out and out violation of the Constitution.

This is what the neo-libs wish to do. While us conservatives have NOT changed our stance on this issue or any of the other issues.

Now if tolerance means that we should take the right to vote on issues such as Homosexual Marriage, Abortion, Taxes, or Illegal Immigration; then YES I am intolerant of those who wish to allow the Government to take our basic rights away.

We have not changed our stance on these issues, but rather the new-libs have!!

I can not nor will I compromise my faith in the name of tolerance nor will I EVER vote against what I believe is moral or right.

I am so tired of the left trying to push their morals and values on the Country.

Lets talk about intolerance a little more.

1. Telling us that we are should not be allowed to vote on the basis of religion or that those who are running for office should not be allowed to voice their faith is INTOLERANCE towards Christians.

2. Not allowing Christians to pray or meet before or after schoold is intolerance.

3. The teaching of the qur'an in public schools is OK, but don't you dare speak about the bible is intolerance.

Teaching the quran in American Schools

More hypocricy of the left. They fight for this while at the same time fight to keep the bible out of the schools. If it is "illegal" to teach Christianity in schools, then it should be the same for teaching islam in schools!!

4. Where we are called Nazi's and Racist because we protect ourselves and Israel from the religious intolerance of the muslim states. This is another example of religious Intolerance from the left.

Let me set the record straight. I am not intolerant of the muslim religion or any other religion or path for that matter. I am however intolerant of ANY religion that uses their 'holy book' out context in order to kill and persecute other's because of a different faith.

I am also intolerant of ANYONE who wishes to dictate to me when I can or can not vote on the basis of my faith.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hyprocricy and Iran

Listening to the president of Iran I noticed that his words said one thing today, while his words have said something completely different.

Today he was talking about peace within ALL nations. HUH?? This does not jive with his assertion that Isreal should not be allowed to exist.

At a conference in Tehran on Wednesday entitled “The World without Zionism,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” “The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world,” he added. He also denounced moves by some Arab states to recognize Israel or normalize relations with it.

Interesting how a statement that "Israel should be wiped off the map" is being made to sound like only the " to the need to wipe out all Zionist ways of thought" and "the United States and other Western countries are actually trying to raise a brouhaha over a single statement by an Iranian official so they can divert attention from the ever-increasing crimes the Zionists are committing against the innocent Palestinians."


Excuse me?? I am dumbfounded at how stupid people must be to believe any of this garbage.

1. He did not say the thinking of Israel needs to be abolished, but rather that it needed to be "wiped off the map".

2. The so called crimes against the palestinian(sp) terrorist has always been in self-defense or reaction from their own citizen's being killed by these terrorist.

Here is a list of what has been said by him and other muslims:


His speech today is just more proof of his hyprocricy and forked toungue.

What is scarey is that the majority of the world, including the far left, believe the white washing of the true intent. People are so quick to believe the propaganda that is being told to them, the the truth no longer matters.

We saw this in our own country during the last elections. Kerry was shown and proven to be a liar, 60 minutes lied to the American Public, and spoke with such a double toungue that he couldn't tell the same story during the debates. He would say one thing and in the next minute would say something completely different. No matter how many times the lies were proven to be false, people still believed the lies.

Just look at the tax cut debate. I was surprised at how many people stated as truth that the poor of America were paying the majority of the taxes. Ummm, the poor do not pay any taxes and not only that but those who made less that what? 20,000 dollars a year were given money back that they didn't even pay in?? It is called earned income. The only catch is that you must work to receive it.

The ones who are complaining the loudest and speading these lies at the rich. Not once have I heard any of them volunteering to give back any of their tax cuts. More lies and hyprocricy.

We need to smarten up and really pay attention to what is being said and to find out the truth ourselves as opposed to believeing every word that is being fed to us by the liberal media. It just make you look stupid and foolish if you don't.
